For some time now Hampton Cricket Club has been discussing how we can move forwards with upgrading the cricket nets at Boss James. We are excited to now be able to announce that once the 24-25 season ends we will begin the relaying of the synthetic at the Boss James Training Nets.

For a number of reasons this has been long overdue, and unfortunately one of the reasons has been the council’s lack of available budget to fund the project. This has meant that the project (despite being a council asset, that is not exclusively ours to use) has to be largely funded by the club.

We are sourcing a number of grant opportunities to assist in this effort, but we know we have a wonderful cohort of supporters who are always willing to help out. So please see below for a couple of ways in which you can help Hampton Cricket Club raise the required funds – as well as some FAQs for the most common questions we receive. We’ll be updating these as we go along…

Firstly – we have a Boss James Nets Redevelopment Project listed with the Australian Sports Foundation. Any donations over $2 are tax deductible, so it’s a great way to support the club, while getting some personal benefit. To donate through the ASF please CLICK HERE

Secondly – every year the Toyota Good For Cricket Raffle is brilliantly supported by our Hampton friends and families. There are some fantastic prizes on offer, including 3 brand new Toyotas, Cricket Australia Hospitality Experiences, Cricket Coaching Clinics with Pro players, Signed Gear & much more – and all money raised by the club stays with the club. To purchase Hampton CC Toyota Good For Cricket raffle tickets please CLICK HERE

Any support will be greatly appreciated to ensure that the facilities we can provide our 500+ members are the very best in Bayside!

Can we get a barrier extension on top to prevent balls from going up on top? Yes. Council is happy for us to source this and recommended us including the whole thing in the grant application. If we know somebody who could throw it together, then we could go down that path as well. Their best practise is to now include in their builds – but clearly these nets were built before that was the case

Can we get soft nets? We can, but the recommendation is that we don’t. The wear is higher, and it does also create the impression that the nets are now an extra area for footy warm ups for example, therefore increasing the wear on the syntho. Once again, best practise now is to double mesh, so that poles are covered on both sides by mesh. This helps to prevent balls flying off at unpredictable angles. If our nets reach the stage where they need to be redone, then this will be the method

If you have any questions or suggestions then please just email our Club Secretary (Glenn Finkelde) via or call him on 0400 130 737

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