Life Members

The constitution provides for the appointment of up to two life memberships each year. To be appointed to this prestigious office, a member must have given a minimum of seven years’ service, and whilst the appropriate clause is not specific about the nature of the service, it is generally accepted that this shall include service off, as well as on, the field.

Anderson E (Ted)Hubbard P T (Pat)
Anderson M (Mark)Jackson G E (George)
Anderson R F (Fergie)Kenny J M (John)
Begg C (Charles – Snr)Kenny J T (Jim)
Black W (Harry – Snr)Kenny  J (Joe)
Blair K (Kevin)Kenny M (Matt)
Bowden P (Paul)Kenny S (Sam)
Bradman Sir Donald (Honorary)Kezilas B (Ben)
Bright R J (Roy)Lee J (James)
Broadbent A (Alan)Lee J (James) Mrs
Bryant B (Bernard)Manzie L G (Len)
Christie R (Bob)McCulloch J E (John)
Cooper J (Jo) MrsMcLean M (Michael)
Cooper R (Russell)McLean W G (Bill – Snr)
Cooper W (Bill)Morrison L R (Laurie)
Costelloe W H H (Bill)Nash G (Gary)
Costelloe W H H  MrsNeville P (Peter)
Cottle R (Rob)O’ Donohue C (Con)
Curry J (Justin)Pewtress W (Bill) AO
Curry P (Paul)Powell D W (Doug)
Davidson A W (Bill – Senior)Prentice J G (John – Snr)
Dick A E (Alec)Quon A (Anthony)
Downes G (Greg)Reidy M (Mick)
English K (Ken)Reddie B J (Barry)
Evans G H (Grant)Rigby J (Jim)
Evans G L (Geoff)Ross C J (Charles)
Evans W.E (Bill)Rudd J (John)
Finkelde G (Glenn)Sillitoe R J (Robert)
Gillbee A (Anthony)Simmonds D M (Don)
Gooden A (Andy)Slade A G (Alec)
Gleeson K J (Kevin)Sutton H W (Harry)
Grimmer M (Max)Tregear R (Rod)
Hamer G (Greg)Upton J M (Mace)
Hewet B (Barry)Voss D (Dallas)
Heywood J (James)Webster W (Bill)
Hope N (Neil)Westhead J (Jim)
Horton F (Frank)Wigley R C (Ray)
Housden F (Fred)Wintle J L (John)
Howell T J (Tom)
Howell T J (Grace) Mrs Wright P (Peter)