The Killara Medal for juniors is a prestigious award presented to the player who gets the most votes during the season. The votes are awarded 3,2,1 basis each game. It is not solely based on performance on field, such as wickets and runs but a players contribution to the team.
Congratulations to Tom Hart (pictured left) from 12A who won the Junior Killara for season 2022-23 with 15 votes. Tom was presented with the award by Senior Hampton coach Justin Forbes. Tom also won the batting and bowling average in 12A this season.
Matthew Ballamy (pictured right) from 14B was second with 12 votes.
Equal 3rd: Aria Laurent (14B) 11 votes
Equal 3rd: Dan Pickett (14B)
Equal 3rd: Lachlan Curtis (14B)
Equal 6th: Liam Davis (16B). 10 votes
Equal 6th: William Todd (16C)
Equal 6th: Parker Miller (14B)
Equal 6th: Lenny Burt (14C)
Equal 6th: Liam Curtis (12C)
Equal 6th: Liam Saunders (12B)
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